Committed to supporting all types of agricultural producers
Agriculture is capital-intensive, regardless of the size or type of operation. And Farm Credit serves every part of agriculture, from the smallest operations to the largest – and everything in between.
We support large grain operations in the Midwest and across the plains. We support the fruit and vegetable farmers that ensure the availability of fresh produce year-round. We support dairy farmers, cow/calf operations, feedlot operators, hog farms and farmers with poultry houses. We support neighborhood Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) operations that bring fresh deliveries to our doors, we support organic and conventional growers. And we support fisheries and the full gamut of aquaculture.
Each step of the way, Farm Credit brings the expertise and experience of more than 100 years of support to your table.
We make loans to help producers buy land, operate farms, purchase equipment, build facilities to keep our country and the world fed. We also offer crop insurance, credit life insurance and other financially related services.
And every year, we continue to increase our support for producers so they have what they need to grow.
As agriculture continues to evolve and, in many cases, become more capital intensive, our commitment continues. We're here for agriculture in good times and bad.