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Farm Credit lenders serve every county in the United States and Puerto Rico. Enter your ZIP code to find a lender near you.

Caleb Beason

Frequently Asked Questions

Enter your ZIP code above to find and speak with your local Farm Credit lender.

For information about loans or accessing your online account, please visit the website of your respective Farm Credit institution. You can locate that website with your ZIP code using the tool above.

Farm Credit is a nationwide network of customer-owned financial institutions that provides loans and related financial services to U.S. farmers and ranchers, farmer-owned cooperatives, rural homebuyers, agribusinesses and rural infrastructure providers. 

Our mission is to support rural communities and agriculture with reliable, consistent credit and financial services, today and tomorrow. We serve every part of agriculture from the smallest operations to the largest – and everything in between.

Farm Credit offers loans, leases and financial services to all types of agricultural and aquatic producers, as well as others who help ensure that rural communities are successful. This includes agricultural cooperatives, rural homeowners and businesses that provide essential services and infrastructure to rural communities, including electric, telecommunications and water services.

Unlike traditional commercial lending institutions, Farm Credit is a cooperative dedicated solely to supporting rural communities and agriculture. 

Any net income generated can be used in only two ways: retained within a Farm Credit institution as capital to build our financial strength, which ensures reliable service, or passed on to our customer-owners by way of patronage dividends. Those dividends effectively lower the cost of borrowing for farmers and ranchers across the country. In 2023, Farm Credit returned $3.08 billion in patronage dividends to its customer-owners.

Farm Credit makes loans for agriculture real estate and home mortgages, farm operating lines, equipment purchases, agribusiness operations, U.S. agricultural exports and infrastructure construction and operations. We also provide financial services, including farm record-keeping, crop insurance, credit life insurance, tax-preparation and more.