Managing Farm Stress and Mental Health

The suicide rate of farmers is three and a half times that of the general population. Recognizing the outsized impact mental health challenges can have on rural communities, Farm Credit prioritizes supporting organizations focused on providing resources on managing farm stress.

Farmers and ranchers are no strangers to hard times

Agricultural producers regularly experience fluctuating commodity prices, trade disruptions and extreme weather events that make their already challenging jobs even more difficult. But misconceptions about “toughness,” perceived stigma, isolation and lack of accessible resources in rural communities often means farmers and ranchers avoid discussing their hardships​​​​.

Recognizing these challenges, and the outsized impact mental health can have in rural communities, Farm Credit has partnered with several organizations to provide resources to help farmers and ranchers manage stress and improve their mental health.

Farm Family Wellness Alliance

Farm Credit is a proud member of the Farm Family Wellness Alliance. The alliance was formed in response to a growing concern about the lack of resources often available in rural communities. Thanks to the support of several industry organizations, the Farm Family Wellness Alliance is able to offer resources to farmers and ranchers throughout the country at no cost to the user.

Access to services starts at Togetherall, a safe, clinically moderated peer-to-peer community, where members across the country are there to listen, support and provide a sounding board. Through an anonymous profile, users can access a network of peers, backed by the safeguarding of licensed clinicians overseeing the community around-the-clock. Access to the platform is available to members of a farm family aged 16 and older.

In addition to the online community, users can access resources and can work through tailored self-help courses covering topics such as anxiety, sleep, depression and more. Togetherall can also refer and connect farm families to a suite of services provided by Personal Assistance Services (PAS) for farm families who are seeking additional support.

“When You Feel Better, You Farm Better”

Sign up for Togetherall

Togetherall is a free, anonymous, peer-to-peer online support community available 24/7.

Rural Resilience Training

Farm Credit, in partnership with American Farm Bureau Federation, National Farmers Union, Michigan State University Extension and University of Illinois Extension, developed Rural Resilience, a free, private, online training course which assists farmers, their families and neighbors in coping with stress.

The tailored curriculum teaches participants to understand the sources of stress, manage their own stress, learn the warning signs of stress and suicide and identify effective communication strategies. It also connects farmers and ranchers with appropriate mental health and other resources. The course is free and accessible to the public.

Register for Rural Resilience Training

Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and suicide, and how to reduce stigma related to mental health concerns.

FCS Employee Rural Resilience Training

Taking the partnership a step further, Farm Credit created a specialized version of Rural Resilience tailored to the specific needs of Farm Credit loan officers and other front-line staff. The training will help Farm Credit employees support customers facing challenging situations, as well as notice and manage signs of stress in themselves. Access the employee course.

Programs from Farm Credit Partners

Supporting Rural Health Professionals

Farm Credit partners with the AgriSafe Network to educate rural health professionals on the mental health risks faced by farmers and ranchers and trains them to integrate basic mental health screenings into their primary care practices. The Total Farmer Health campaign helps address the limited mental health services in many rural areas and trains primary care practitioners to better understand and recognize the challenges agricultural producers face and how they might manifest.

Rural Youth Mental Health

Farm Credit is proud to support the Progressive Agriculture Foundation’s curriculum focused on the mental well-being of rural youth ages four to 13, as part of the “Ag Safety Days” it hosts across America.

American Agri-Women

Farm Credit partners with American Agri-Women on its Cultivating Resiliency initiative. This includes webinar discussions with farm families who have dealt with mental health issues. In addition, Coffee Chat Sessions provide an anonymous online forum for group discussion with people in other regions experiencing similar situations, led by a trained professional.