G & Z Farms

Seymour, Wisconsin

G & Z Farms

Always Looking Forward

As a young farmer running a row crop operation, along with a custom spraying business, Zac Soltvedt knows the secret to success in agriculture is having a strong work ethic, grit and curiosity.

He learned those values growing up around his grandfather’s farm in Seymour, Wisconsin.

Ater the passing of his grandfather, Zac followed his heart, and with the support of his wife Amber, took over the family farm and didn’t look back.

Partnering with Farm Credit

Zac knew he wanted a lender that had a wealth of knowledge in agriculture and lending, and he partnered with GreenStone Farm Credit Services.

“GreenStone understands agriculture,” said Zac. “It’s really nice to have a banking institution that understands that a farmer’s financial records are going to look a lot different than a traditional business.”

Zac participates in GreenStone’s CultivateGrowth program that provides flexible loan terms and resources for young, beginning and small farmers. The CultivateGrowth program matches fellow young, beginning and small farmers with veteran farmers to share advice and strategies.

“I was paired with a large grain operation,” said Zac. “They were very nice guys. It was nice to be able to ask questions. They were forward-thinking like I am. It was nice to get opinions on what does and doesn’t work for them.”

New Opportunities

In addition to farming 500 acres of corn, soybeans and wheat, Zac also spends his time running a custom spraying business. It was a passion he picked up early on in his farming career.

Zac’s custom spraying business now covers 10,000 acres and his future plans involve growing his operation. He’s currently looking at ways to acquire more land and weighing expansion options.  

“Zac has been good at looking to the future and he has not been afraid to embrace new things,” said Corey Fanslau, a Financial Services Officer at GreenStone. “He wants to control what he has now and as he moves forward, he will be able to acquire more land and control more land. His ultimate goal is to grow his operation.”

With the resources of GreenStone and his mentors at his side, the future looks bright.

This article was originally published in GreenStone Farm Credit Services’ Partners Magazine.   



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