Tyler Crow

Hico, Texas

Tyler Crow

A Creative Cowboy

Surrounded by the scenic Texas Hill Country and rugged landscapes, western artist Tyler Crow finds inspiration all around him. He brings cowboy culture to life with oils, watercolors and charcoal drawings.

“I came down here about 12 years ago to work with my artwork and fell in love with the country.” Tyler said. “It’s a lot of inspiration, and I feel very fortunate to be out here. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Growing up, Tyler helped his grandfather run cattle and sketched drawings of horses on his family’s ranch. His knack for illustrating continued throughout school, and he later won a scholarship to attend workshops by nationally renowned artists, Bruce Greene and Martin Grelle.

At 27, Tyler became the youngest artist inducted into the prestigious Cowboy Artists of America.

Tyler often visits local ranches to photograph and sketch the landscape, livestock and cowboys at work.

Life Outside of City Limits

Tyler and his wife Katie partnered with AgTrust Farm Credit to finance their life outside of city limits.

“I felt like it was important to work with somebody that was involved in agriculture and that understood our needs,” Tyler said. 

AgTrust has built a relationship with Tyler and Katie over the years to offer financing solutions to bring their vision for the ranch to life.

“Our long-term plan for the property is to build a house out there some day and to run some cows,” Tyler said.

For Tyler and Katie, they hope to one day pass this legacy down to their children.

“It means a lot to be able to pass this piece of property on,” Tyler said. “It’s a blessing to be able to do something like that for generations down the road to have.”



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