Bryce Vigil
Manderson, Wyoming
Bryce Vigil
Manderson, Wyoming
Bryce Vigil raises beef, corn and forage on his farm in Manderson, Wyoming.
Similar to his agricultural peers across the country, Bryce has faced challenges and has pushed beyond adversity to pursue the career that he loves.
Success despite challenges
No one ever said farming was easy; farmers’ livelihoods are subject to the whims of many factors that lie beyond their control. They depend up on the weather to bring them rain when their crops need moisture, and to bring them sun when their crops need to grow.
Farmers also face the uncertainty of storms that threaten the safety and well-being of their crops and livestock. One bad hail storm could knock down corn stocks, ruining the year’s harvest. One tornado could take out an entire heard of cattle. While farmers do their very best to protect the farm, the power of storms like these is unwieldly.
In addition to the weather, farmers like Bryce rely on the agriculture markets to give them a fair price for that which they spend their days laboring to produce. And these very ag markets are known to be volatile.
Partners are vital
The stress that comes from unpredictable weather and volatile markets is commonplace for farmers across the country, which means that farmers need a reliable lender for when times get tough. “Trying to find the money to just keep up with this ag game is hard. Nothing's cheap in ag,” Bryce said.
For Bryce, FCS America is the partner he can count on.
Farm Credit is there to help
FCS America has been there to stand beside Bryce in good times and in bad. His loan officer has been that friend that Bryce can lean on when he needs support.
“You got to have good teammate to carry you through challenging times. And that's why we've, chosen FCS America,” Bryce said. “They've been there. They are a good teammate.”