New Generation Farms

Lake Providence, Louisiana

New Generation Farms

Lake Providence, Louisiana

In 2022, Nolan Parker teamed up with lifelong family friend, Matt Brown, to start a farm in Lake Providence, LA. This partnership, aptly named New Generation Farms, is a symbol of embracing the challenges that farming your own operation presents.  

"Putting that first seed in the ground and being at risk on your own operation for the first time was really fun and exciting,” Nolan said. “We learned a lot.” 

As friends and business partners, they have adapted to changes and challenges together.  

“Whether it was labor, equipment, planting, harvesting, different practices, you know it’s all going to take a minute to come together,” he said.  

Trusted Guidance 

New Generation Farms has relied on trusted guidance from experienced mentors who know what it takes to start from scratch. 

Nolan’s father, Tap Parker, is a long-time farmer who still farms nearby. He is also a Director for First South Farm Credit.  

“Dad also encouraged us. He encouraged me to come back, create my own partnership, take my own risk, to know what the experience is like to take out your own crop loan. Putting your money on the line like that and taking a risk instead of coming back to the same operation,” he said.  

Nolan and Matt also understand the importance of establishing a relationship with the right lender.  

“With the cost of everything going up, they’re putting faith in you that they know they’re going to get paid back,” Matt said. “We have an extremely good relationship with our lending officer. It’s great.” 

This article was originally published by First South Farm Credit