2020’s Twelve Days of Farm Credit

Join us for 2020’s “12 Days of Farm Credit,” as we highlight our customers and thank them for bringing the magic to this holiday season.

2020’s Twelve Days of Farm Credit

December 16, 2020

Join us for 2020’s “12 Days of Farm Credit,” as we highlight our customers and thank them for bringing the magic to this holiday season. 

Despite the many challenges 2020 has thrown us, we hope you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy days filled with warmth and love this holiday season, regardless of what or where you celebrate. 

Amidst all the festivities, we invite you to thank America’s farmers and ranchers for producing many of the foods and other items that make these winter days so special.

On the first day…

pie day graphic - variety of pies on wooden table

Farm Credit celebrated all things pie—from the wheat and cherries to the apples, pecans and pumpkins for our favorite recipes, we are thankful for our producers. Especially producers, like Matt and Bruce Boyer of Boyer Orchards, who make pies possible. Matt and Bruce farm in New Paris, Pennsylvania, where they produce many varieties of apples, peaches, pears and pumpkins. The Boyer brothers carry on their family’s legacy as the third generation to produce fruit on the family’s land. With the help of Horizon Farm Credit, they have expanded their operation and built upon their family legacy. 

On the second day…

sugar cookies with a farm credit frosting logo in the middle

We took a moment to ponder what Christmas would be without milk for Santa’s cookies. Thanks to producers like Tom and Pat at McNamara Dairy, we’ll never have to wonder. They milk nearly 220 cows and bottle all their own product. With support from Farm Credit East over the last three generations, all seven members of the family participate in the operation, bringing new perspectives to the business. 

On the third day…

christmas tree graphic - mature christmas trees in an orchard

We recognized Christmas tree producers for supplying one of the most iconic symbols of the holiday season. We asked folks across our social media channels if they knew where their Christmas trees come from. And if they didn’t, they now know that Pat Gaskin, owner of Laurel Springs Nursery in Laurel Springs, North Carolina, has been growing Christmas trees for over 40 years. With the help of AgSouth Farm Credit, Pat has expanded her operation over the years and continues to spread the holiday spirit as the product of her hard work.

On the fourth day…

pastry graphic - assortment of pastries on a table

We embraced the plethora of treats that fall into the pastry category. We’re grateful for producers like Northwest Farm Credit customers Kurt Myllymaki and his dad who grow both hard red winter and spring wheat. Did you know pastries have been documented as far back as 2600 B.C.? Here’s to the wheat farmers who continue to provide the flour necessary to produce years upon years of delicious pastries. 

On the fifth day…

red poinsettia's in a greenhouse

We picked our favorite poinsettia. These quintessential flowers are a traditional holiday favorite and are available in more than 100 different varietals. Farm Credit East customer River Road Greenhouse grows bedding plants and baskets in the spring and poinsettias for the holiday season. We appreciate nursery growers like River Road Greenhouses who help make our holidays much more festive. 

On the sixth day…

hot chocolate graphic with text there's no wrong way to have hot cocoa

We determined there is no wrong way to enjoy hot chocolate. We asked followers on our social media channels what their favorite way to enjoy hot cocoa was, and it’s safe to conclude mini marshmallows won out. Thanks to all of our dairy and sugar producers who make this sweet drink possible. 

On the seventh day…

a stack of pancakes with maple syrup pouring atop on a wooden table

We channeled our inner Buddy the Elf to celebrate National Maple Syrup Day. What would breakfast be on Christmas morning without maple syrup? Thanks to operations like Parker Family Maple for working day-in and day-out to satisfy the collective breakfast sweet tooth of the nation. Michael Parker, a fourth-generation maple producer, co-owns the operation in West Chazy, New York, with his father Earl. The family runs a 9,000 tap operation, one of the biggest in the country, producing more than 40,000 gallons of that delicious nectar each year. With the help of Farm Credit East, the Parkers have grown their operation and continue to build their family legacy.

On the eighth day…

sangria in a glass and pitcher with fruit inside the glass

We raised a glass (of sangria) to Newport Vineyards. Owned by brothers John and Paul Nunes, Newport Vineyards is more than just a vineyard. They pride themselves on being a beverage and culinary destination that blends together award-winning wine, fresh craft beer, farm to table dining experiences and unique events situated on over 100 acres of preserved farmland just minutes from Newport, Rhode Island. With the help of Farm Credit East, Newport Vineyards has expanded and continues to meet consumer needs. 

On the ninth day…

red barn in the snow

As we nestled up by the fire with a hot cup of cocoa, we paused to thank American farmers and ranchers for working day in and day out during the winter. Their indefatigable spirit is required for the 24/7/365/ job of growing our food, fuel and fiber. 

On the tenth day…

glass of eggnog sitting by a window with fake christmas tree

We toasted to National Eggnog Day. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, eggnog was George Washington’s holiday drink of choice. Who doesn’t love a glass of eggnog during the holiday season—and those fun moose antler-shaped glasses? 

On the eleventh day…

merry christmas graphic with snow and text wishing you a merry christmas from your farm credit family

We wished you and yours a very Merry Christmas on behalf of our Farm Credit family. From the trees strung with popcorn to mistletoe hung with care, we appreciate America’s farmers and ranchers for all they do to inspire a Christmas full of family, friends and holiday cheer.

On the twelfth day…

candy canes with the text national candy cane day with a red drop shadow

And the last day of the Twelve days of Farm Credit, we went out with something sweet. Did you know that approximately 1.7 billion candy canes are sold around the world every holiday season? Thanks to all the sugar beet and sugar cane farmers who make the holidays so sweet.  

Of course, Farm Credit celebrated Hanukkah and Kwanzaa as a part of our holiday festivities, too. 

menora lit with blue and white snow globe

On the first day of Hanukah, we wished followers a blessed Festival of Lights. We also recognized Capital Farm Credit customers Stephen Coffman, his sister, Mary Rose, and her husband, Michael Paz, for their contributions to Hanukkah celebrations by producing olive oil. Thanks to producers like Texana Olive Ranch, Jewish families can enjoy their favorite traditional foods for Hanukkah like potato pancakes and jelly-filled doughnuts—fried in oil of course. 

kwanzaa graphic with colorful candles lit

And lastly, we celebrated Kwanzaa. A Swahili word that means “first,” Kwanzaa signifies the first fruits of the harvest. Habari gani and Happy Kwanzaa! 

However your family celebrates, we wish you a very happy holiday season from our Farm Credit family to yours. 


Community Engagement:

For all media queries:

Debbie Wing, Executive Vice President of Communications


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