Farm Credit Council

The Farm Credit Council is the national trade association representing Farm Credit. The Council provides the mechanism for member grassroots involvement in the development of positions and policies related to federal legislation and government activity that impact Farm Credit.


Board of Directors

Scott Bell

Jenny Black

Laura Braun

Dan Childs

Stan Claussen

Jack Dailey

Susan Doverspike

Duane “Skip” Gray

David Haase

Ed Hegland

Steve Henry

John Kuegel, Jr.

Susan LaGrande

Chad Lee

Jon Marthedal

Catherine Moyer

Jenny Rhodes

Chris Roberts

Tim Rowe

Glee Smith

Michael “Bo” Stone

Peter Triandafillou

Brandon Wittman


Isabelle Ausdal

Elizabeth Bateman Portrait

Elizabeth Bateman

Drew Bonsu Portrait

Drew Bonsu

Robbie Boone Portrait

Robbie Boone

Suzanne Crawford

Morgan Hosman


Michele Lucas

Lucas Lund Headshot

Lucas Lund


Jenny Mesirow

Jenna Mitchell

Christy Seyfert

Skylar Sowder Headshot

Skylar Sowder

Mary Streiffert Headshot

Mary Streiffert

Anne Thompson

Claudia Ugbana


Todd Van Hoose

Lucy Waskiewicz


Tony Watlington Jr.


Debbie Wing